Morgellons Symptomology

Morgellons Research Group
June 30, 2012

by Donna Worden/Kathryn Augustyn
MRG Associates

The following is a Morgellons symptom list. As Morgellons presents itself, we can observe how the body is transforming. Some of this is subtle, some very similar to other syndromes and pathologies, however, all avenues except some tropical diseases have been weighed against Morgellons symptoms. Kathryn has included four  elements that have been seen consistently in these artifacts and presentations. Those include spheres, filaments (including conducting filaments), hexagons and polymorphic organisms. These may include natural proteins, unnatural amino acids, protocells, minimal organic cells, stem cells of plants, animals and insects, as well as inorganic elements from minerals, metals and even gems. It begins by what appears to be a bug bite, small lump, or raised area. It feels like something is moving in circles or straight up through epidermis, once it reaches the upper outer level. Often hair root pain and itching begins. It feels like movement through the liquid under the skin and that liquid becomes itchy as well. If scratched, it spreads and will cause liquid to come out. Often very hot water will quell the itching and then white shard like material will emerge in areas around the lesion with black granules present. Extreme itching and pain are present. It is most comparable to the symptoms of Onchocerciasis and filaria, in a citizen-scientist view.

Images of Morgellons on Skin








MRG Research Associate, Donna Worden, provides this description of Morgellons manifestations:


The first noticeable symptom of what is termed Morgellons may be a sore at a corner of the mouth or in the nostril that cracks and (seems to) bleed. It may have a scab-like “skin” that itches and begs to be peeled off,  however, the sore takes a long time to heal or never heals, continuing to generate the scab-like skin. This eruption may also enlarge and may be surrounded by redness and swelling.

Near the eruption may be noticed stiff filaments or hairs that are blunt-ended, unlike actual hair that has a pointed tip. Also, if the filaments/hairs are plucked, the base may be black and resinous and very sticky, unlike a healthy hair root;  clear and tear-shaped. Alternatively, there may be very fine clear or white filaments/hairs that resemble fiber-optic plastic in their luminosity.

Brown coloring may appear on the skin of the lower legs due to Morgellons compromising the bloodʻs ability to carry oxygen. The feet may sometimes be blue for the same reason.

If Morgellons is affecting the eyes, a white goo may appear in the inside corners, and the lashes and lids may flake and peel. Again, there may be accompanying redness and swelling.

If Morgellons is affecting the ears internally, hearing ability may be lost. If externally, the itching may be intense.

If a Morgellons eruption occurs on the leg, with accompanying redness and swelling, the pain may be intense enough to affect the ability to walk.

As the fungal-like “skin” is peeled from any lesion, the underlying tissue may be infested with a white-to-yellow sticky slime. If the slime is carefully tweezed from each pore, the tissue resembles raw hamburger and is extremely painful.

The sticky slime can also be found in nostrils and sinuses.

Because of the mutating nature of the Morgellons organism and its ability to incorporate novel molecules into itself, other things that may be observed are:

– various colors of filaments/hairs, including blue, red and green

– crystalline units or cells, often hexagonal, that may be able to grow fibers


Morgellons may perhaps be a weaponized version of Dictyostelium Discoideum (“D.d.” or “Dicty”), an extremely studied, over-used, and a often-genetically-engineered mold. An organism native to leaf litter on a forest floor, it now has vendors, websites, and and is guest at yearly conventions.

One of the reasons it is used extensively is because it shares many genes with humans. It is being used in questionable research, including a search for which variants from cholera are able to kill it.

Even in its natural state, it is a strangely mutating organism. At its most simple stage of life, it is a one-celled, red-blood-cell type organism (a eukaryote), although smaller than a human red blood cell. At this stage, it can be dehydrated, and if inhaled into human lungs  can become systemic. Because it is so similar to the human cell, a less-than-top-notch immune system will not recognize it as a foreign substance.

It is this eukaryotic stage that may be causing the harm to the bloodʻs oxygen-carrying ability. This stage may feed itself on bacteria, and it may be able to reproduce via asexual cell division (splitting in two).

If the diet of bacteria for the organism shrinks, the organism gathers its cells together, they lose the iron-caused red coloring, and the resulting multi-celled organism is now called a “slug”. This is the sticky goo. With continued gathering of cells into the organism, it grows a pedestal and then a fruiting body with spores. The fruiting body sometimes contains bacteria that are thus “farmed” to provide ready food for the spores as they are scattered.

As strange as this organism is (and it is really strange), it is made even more so in the many various laboratories that use it, both by selective breeding over time and by the erratic and inconsistent process termed genetic modification. The latter has been described as shooting a genome with a gun loaded with a gene and observing the reaction. It is perhaps more-accurately called “genetic mangling”.

The official position of the U.S. medical establishment (e.g., the Centers for Disease Control) is that Dictyostelium Discoideum cannot infect humans. It is possible that Morgellons sufferers are the proof that it can.


Many Morgellons sufferers gain some relief with various antibiotics. For others, the relief is short-lived because the antibiotics typically kill the food of the D.d. but not the mold itself.

It has been proposed that triggers for growth of D.d. include genetically modified cells (from soy, corn, etc.) and/or dental materials including plastics and cements and/or ingested cellulose.

Those who have obtained relief via non-drug methods boost the immune system in multiple ways and work on making the body more alkaline and more oxygenated.  Some have removed offending dental materials and/or changed the diet.

Some say that certain energy methods have provided a cure and that frequency identification can determine pathogen type present. Alternative frequencies and  Scans and MRIs can determine areas of disruptions in the body and if implants are present. Also, MRG believes that proper nutrition with proper minerals is a benefit and will cleanse the body environment, so that it is not so comfortable for the pathogen. Also certain foods will trigger Morgellons, and this is being studied and determined.

3 responses

  1. Pingback: MUST SEE: Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It [videos included] « PN

  2. Pingback: Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It « Truth11


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