
VIDEO — Why Black Lives Matter Is A “Color-Revolution”

via SyrianGirlpartisan
Jun 20, 2020

PODCAST — GVP #144 – Neil Sanders: Government-sponsored AI surveillance

via Good Vibrations Podcast
by Mark Devlin
Aug 9, 2019

Neil Sanders re-appears, as this time the subjects of surveillance and mind-control at the hands of shady Deep State agencies come under the spotlight. These are issues that should concern everyone, but, due to the stealth with which they’ve been slipped under the radar, few are aware of the extent to which it has been going on.

Under scrutiny are the shady organisations Cambridge Analytica, SCL and The Heritage Foundation. Neil outlines how these set-ups utilise Artificial Intelligence and algorithms to monitor people’s likes, preferences and emotions through, among other methods, their social media postings. These are then used to create targeted campaigns of mind-control and manipulation. British Military Intelligence is fully involved, Neil says, along with the CIA and Mossad.

VIDEO — CryptoBeast #14 Discordo Ab Chao – Trump and Ye Alt Rite with Special Guest David Livingstone

via Crypto Beast
by Steve Outtrim

Oct 16, 2018

Historian David Livingstone, author of Transhumanism – History of a Dangerous Idea and Black Terror, White Soldiers joins me to discuss his forthcoming book Ordo Ab Chao and his research into the connections between the Fascist International, Freemasons, Zionism, the KKK, Discordianism, Alex Jones, Trump, Russia, and more.

[Vimeo version of this video – downloadable for offline viewing]

David Livingstone: https://conspiracyschool.com

Steve Outtrim:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveouttrim
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@steveouttrim
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/steveouttrimcryptobeast
Facebook: https://facebook.com/steveouttrim
Blog: https://burners.me


VIDEO — Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018

via Truthstream Media
Jun 8, 2018

PODCAST — Martinez & Bens Debate Russia and Russophilia

by Brandon Martinez
Jan 22, 2017

I spoke again with Andrey Bens this time about the faults of Russia and the double standards and faulty arguments employed by Russophiles within the alt-media, anti-imperialist and alt-right circles.

[related episodes:


VIDEO — The Illogic of Assad Groupyism

by Branton Martinez
Sep 19, 2016

I illustrate the flawed logic and double standards of Assad groupies.

[related video: Assad Cultists Swarm Leader Like Starstruck Schoolgirls]

Brexit another Jewish dialectic?

Brexit champion Boris Johnson, the self-proclaimed ‘passionate Zionist’, with the elders of Zion.

via Fitzpatrick Informer
by Northsider
June 25, 2016, Anno Domini

There is great rejoicing in much of the so called alternative media over the “Brexit” result in yesterday’s British referendum on membership of the European Union. If more proof were needed that the alternative media is often misinformed and credulous, this is it.

Alternative types, from David Duke to David Icke, have of course been insisting for months that the Brexit movement represents a mighty blow against Zio-globalism. There may be some excuse for Duke to believe this guff: he is, after all, an American and presumably relies on British “white nationalists” for information about such matters. There is little or no excuse for British white nationalists themselves, or for British critics of Zionism like Icke, to be so deceived.



VIDEO — Ugly Truth Cult: ‘Trump is a secret anti-Zionist like Putin’

by Brandon Martinez
Apr 30, 2016

The mind-reading specialists at the Ugly Truth proclaim Trump a warrior against Zionism and ‘Jewish interests’. Apparently they’re transitioning out of geopolitical analysis and into comedy.


PODCAST — Brandon Martinez – Neocon Globalism & Kalergi’s Plan to Genocide Europeans – Hour 1

by Red Ice Radio
Mar 2, 2016

Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. He is the author of “Grand Deceptions, Hidden History and The ISIS Conspiracy.”

In the first hour, Brandon outlines some of the new content that will be included in the forthcoming second edition of “Grand Deceptions.” The book covers the Zionist origins of the “War on Terror” beginning with 9/11 and the strategies that have been used in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan throughout the entire Neocon conspiracy to create a clash of civilizations in the Middle East. Brandon details how the migrant crisis in Europe is part of a Zionist plot to weaken the West and break down the countries surrounding Israel in their quest for expansion. We look at the Jewish elite’s tactic of creating a divide in the consensus over the multicultural experiment, along with promoting activism aimed at exacerbating divisions through identity politics. Brandon goes into the history of Cultural Marxism and the Zionist Frankfurt School agenda to break down Western society. He also explains how Muslims are being used as willing pawns in the psychological war against Whites that is designed to produce a disillusionment of ethnic homogeneity so as to further the long-term Coudenhove-Kalergi goal of creating a “Eurasian-Negroid” mongrel globalist slave race. Then, we discuss how legitimate Nationalist movements concerned with the Islamic diaspora are being hijacked by Zionist Neocon agents like Pegida UK who are openly supporting Israel, creating a schizophrenic reaction to the issue of forced multiculturalism.

In the members’ hour, we address the problems we face in bringing awareness to the general populace of the Zionist scheme against Whites while promoting self-determination for all peoples on Earth. Brandon says that we must take a moralistic approach to opposing the agenda to destroy Europe and avoid emanating the holier-than-thou attitudes of the evil elites we oppose. We get into the issue of Jewish supremacy and the fact that Islamization of the West is looked at as punishment for the Christian persecution of Jews 100s of years ago, and the holocaust can be invoked at any time to silence any “anti-Semitism” coming from “gentiles.” We also discuss the myth of the 6 million that has been part of an ages-old religious narrative of a Jewish messiah’s return to Earth. Further, we emphasize how the cultural disruption in Europe resulting from mass immigration serves as a smoke screen for more purging of Syrians and other Middle Easterners in Israel’s psychopathic push to expand territory and control more oil and water resources. Later, our focus turns to the tremendous task it is to power forth and continue the quest of exposing the root cause of our world’s decaying condition.

[MP3 of hour 1 & hour 2 + related links]


VIDEO — Zio-Panderer Trump to AIPAC: ‘My number one priority to dismantle disastrous deal with Iran’

via Non-Aligned Media
by Brandon Martinez
Mar 21, 2016

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump gave a noxious pro-Israel speech to AIPAC, stating that his “number one priority” is to dismantle last year’s US-Iran nuclear accord. He also pledged to move the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to eschew any UN resolutions against Israel. Time Magazine printed whole nasty, gross speech:

Good evening. I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel. I am a newcomer to politics but not to backing the Jewish state.

In late 2001, weeks after the attacks on New York City and Washington – attacks perpetrated by Islamic fundamentalists, Mayor Giuliani visited Israel to show solidarity with terror victims. I sent him in my plane because I backed the mission 100%.

In Spring 2004, at the height of violence in the Gaza Strip, I was the Grand Marshal of the 40th Salute to Israel Parade, the largest single gathering in support of the Jewish state.

It was a very dangerous time for Israel and frankly for anyone supporting Israel – many people turned down this honor –I did not, I took the risk.



Canada officially passes anti-BDS motion

Canada’s House of Commons WIKI COMMONS PHOTO

via Canadian Jewish News
by JTA
Feb 22, 2016

Canada’s Parliament passed a motion formally condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

The motion passed Monday in a 229-51 vote. Introduced last week by members of the opposition Conservative Party, the motion won support from the ruling Liberal Party as well.

It calls on the Canadian government to “condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here at home and abroad.”

