
VIDEO — Iranian General Killed by U.S. Airstrike – By the Numbers

via Gematrinator_85_
Jan 3, 2020

[related video: The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know]


VIDEO — Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018

via Truthstream Media
Jun 8, 2018

VIDEO — The Illogic of Assad Groupyism

by Branton Martinez
Sep 19, 2016

I illustrate the flawed logic and double standards of Assad groupies.

[related video: Assad Cultists Swarm Leader Like Starstruck Schoolgirls]

VIDEO/PODCAST — The Plan to Break Up Syria Explained

via corbettreport
by James Corbett
Apr 3, 2016

Brandon Turbeville of BrandonTurbeville.com joins us to discuss his recent article, “Kurdish Federalization Reminiscent Of Kerry’s Plan B, Brzezinski, NATO’s Plan A.” We break down the Kurdish groups that are involved in the plan and the globalist institutions that have shaped it.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=18309

VIDEO — Syria End Game – Muslim Bashing – Hoaxes and Trump – Morris

via 108morris108
Feb 19, 2016

Many Topics but Syria remains the central issue

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The Syria Proxy War against the Islamic State (ISIS) Has Reached its Climax. Military Escalation, Towards a US-NATO Sponsored Ground Invasion?

chossudovsky-pic-castro1via Global Research
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Feb 12, 2016

Washington’s strategy consists in spearheading a broader regional war by inciting Turkey, Saudi Arabia as well as Israel to do the “dirty work for us”.

Until recently, Syrian Government Forces together with their allies (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah) have been confronting so-called “opposition rebels” largely composed of “moderate” terrorists and mercenaries, with US-NATO intelligence and special forces forces operating covertly within their ranks.

The Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists and the Islamic State (ISIS) forces are supported by US-NATO-Israel and their Persian Gulf GCC allies. Turkey and Saudi Arabia, in close liaison with Washington have played a central role in the recruitment, training and financing of the terrorists.

Sofar, this proxy war has unfolded without a direct confrontation between US-NATO allied forces and Syrian government forces, which are supported militarily by Russia and Iran.

A major transition is now occurring in the conduct of the war on Syria. The terrorists are being defeated by Syrian government forces with the support of Russia. The proxy war (under the formal banner of the “war on terrorism”) has reached its climax.

New Phase: The Role of Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Turkish forces are now directly involved in combat operations within Syrian territory.

In turn, Saudi Arabia, which is a State sponsor of terrorism has announced that it will be dispatching troops to Syria, allegedly with a view to combating the ISIS terrorists, which just so happen to be supported by Saudi Arabia.


PODCAST — Eva Bartlett reports on Syria and Palestine (Ep 121)

via 21WIRE
Feb 9, 2016

International journalist Eva Bartlett provides fresh coverage from on the ground in Syria and Palestine. We discuss what is happening there and why our mainstream news reports are misleading.

See Eva’s report: 21stcenturywire.com/2016/02/08/wher…-syria-lebanon/

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at alternatecurrentradio.com and thesundaywire.com.

PODCAST — Sunday Wire guest Vanessa Beeley reports on events in Madaya

by 21st Century Wire
Jan 15, 2016

We’re joined by international journalist and human rights advocate and campaigner, Vanessa Beeley (thewallwillfall.wordpress.com), to discuss breaking events in Syria, Yemen and Serbia, including NGO deception and phony humanitarian propaganda designed to prolong the conflict and pave the way for western military intervention.

See also: 21stcenturywire.com/2016/01/13/spec…a-misery-by-un/

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at alternatecurrentradio.com and thesundaywire.com.

[related: Wahhabis and Salafis are not Sunnis]

VIDEO — US & Britain Planned Use of Islamic Extremists to Topple Syria 57 Years Ago

by DAHBOO777
Dec 9, 2015


BBC reports that – in 1957 – the British and American leaders approved the use of Islamic extremists and false flag attacks to topple the Syrian government:

Nearly 50 years before the war in Iraq, Britain and America sought a secretive “regime change” in another Arab country… by planning the invasion of Syria and the assassination of leading figures.

Newly discovered documents show how in 1957 [former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom] Harold Macmillan and President Dwight Eisenhower approved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria’s pro-western neighbours, and then to “eliminate” the most influential triumvirate in Damascus.


VIDEO — Turkey War with Russia? – Joaquin

by 108morris108
Nov 24, 2015

Were Turkey’s actions against Russia a provocation, or a response? Analysis indicates a bit of both, but tending towards response. Turkey struggles to maintain its interest in the Syrian conflict, importing oil from ISIS controlled areas. Russia recently dealt a serious blow to ISIS, striking a convoy of oil trucks headed to Turkey. From this perspective, Turkey has retaliated against Russia. What will Russia’s response be?

Inside Russia, the 5th and 6th column will use this against the Russian state – the 5th saying this is proof that the Russian activity in Syria produces unwanted consequences. The 6th will say that this is proof that Russia needs to push further.

Rather, Russia must not be controlled by its responses, but must forge its own activity.
Bilal Erdogan is a financier and owner of the oil trucks used by ISIS. The Russian strikes against the Ergodan family business have both personal and geopolitical ramifications for Turkey. This leads us to conclude that the downing of the Russian jet was not merely the order of a local airforce captain making a bad call – but rather the planned and thought-out action of the entire Turkish establishment.


MUST READ — Mixed Signals from Moscow: Putin’s Russia, Israel and the Middle East

putin-netanyahu-handshakevia Non-Aligned Media
by Brandon Martinez
Sep 26, 2015

We have been hearing loud assertions of Russian benevolence towards the Arab world for some time, usually emanating from certain dogmatic quarters of anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist circles on the web.

These analysts see themselves as top class mind readers, tapping into the brain of Vladimir Putin and interpreting his every geopolitical move in a positive manner, no matter how ugly or duplicitous it may appear to be on the surface.

Putin is playing a master class chess match against the New World Order, these partisan analysts say, ignoring or downplaying anything that doesn’t conform to their Russophilic talking points.

Putin is a super secret anti-Zionist who will ‘checkmate’ Israel any day now, these dogmatists theorize with confidence, without providing a tangible piece of evidence that this is true.

Putin is a Pragmatist, Not an Anti-Zionist

Russia under Putin’s leadership has pursued a delicate balance between ideological support as well as economic and military cooperation with Israel on the one hand, and cashing in on lucrative oil, gas, nuclear energy and military contracts with several Arab/Muslim states on the other.

Spellbound Putin supporters point to the ex-KGB strongman’s whimpered public statements in support of a “Palestinian state” as evidence that he’s an anti-Zionist.[1] These lackluster analysts knowingly fail to point out that such rhetoric from the Kremlin is completely offset by Putin’s much more forthright and unequivocal proclamations in support of Israel in its current configuration.

During a meeting with a delegation of Israeli and Russian Jewish religious leaders in July 2014, Putin said he identifies with and supports the “struggle of Israel” against the native Arabs whose land and resources have been consistently usurped by European and Russian Jews who mass migrated to Palestine and then took much of it over through violence and terrorism in 1948. One rabbi at the meeting ‘blessed’ Putin’s leadership in Russia, saying it was the ‘will of god.’ Putin told the rabbis that he is a “true friend of Israel” and of its extremist prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.[2]

Putin has described Israel as part of the “Russian world” because 15 percent of its population is of Russian origin.[3] Despite living in Israel, many of these Russian-Israelis vote in Russian elections, and a good number of them cast their ballot for Putin.[4] At a 2011 dialogue conference featuring organizations representing the major religious and ethnic groups in Russia, Putin stated that Israel is “a special state to us” because it is “practically a Russian-speaking country.”[5] Russian-speaking Israelis form the base of the ultra-Zionist Yisrael Beiteinu political party[6], headed by Israel’s former foreign affairs minister Avigdor Lieberman who recently called for “disloyal” Arab citizens of Israel to be “beheaded.”[7]

During a 2013 joint press conference, Putin and Netanyahu both affirmed that ties between Russia and Israel are getting ‘stronger and stronger.’[8] Putin said that “our relationship with Israel is both friendly and mutually beneficial.” He stressed that Russia and Israel cooperate in a “wide variety of areas,” including political, cultural, economic and military. He proudly noted that under his watch the Russian city of Gelendzhik was twinned with the Israeli city of Netanya.

Russia has fuelled Israel’s war economy, purchasing more than $550 million of Israeli drones since Putin became president.[9] In 2010, Russia and Israel signed a five-year military contract that boosted “military ties between the two nations to help them fight common threats, such as terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”[10] Increased cooperation and information sharing between Russian and Israeli intelligence services was one result of the agreement.