
VIDEO — Police Chased Out of Hyde Park After Attacking Peaceful Protest (HD)

via Resistance GB
Apr 25, 2021

Police are run out of Hyde Park after attempting to storm a peaceful musical protest by the band Jam For Freedom near Speaker’s Corner. Bottles, Flares, Scooters, Insults and Pears are hurled. Continuing the Anti-Lockdown Freedom Protests of 24/04/21.

[related videos:

VIDEO — Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin [8/28/2020]

via OneSilentJoy
Aug 28, 2020

On the eve of the historic LARGE DEMONSTRATION on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, the nephew of the murdered US President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

[related video: Anti-CV19 Government Measures Press Conference (Berlin Festival For Freedom And Peace)]

VIDEO — “Corona World” Video Game Lets You Kill the Covidiots! – #PropagandaWatch

via corbettreport
Aug 31, 2020

Have you played Corona World yet? It’s the hot new online game from German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF where you play a nurse who has to go shopping while being assaulted by joggers, party people, preppers and highly contagious children. So what do you do? You stomp them to death, of course! Fun for all ages!



VIDEO — BREAKING: Ohio residents protesting #Coronavirus lockdown at state capitol.

via The HighWire with Del Bigtree
Apr 13, 2020

BREAKING: Ohio residents protesting #Coronavirus lockdown at state capitol.
Live-feed Source: Scott Shoemaker Facebook

[related video: Berlin – German people rebel against the lockdown]

VIDEO — URGENT!!! The Most Important Vaccine Conversation EVER Heard

via Winnepeg Alternative Media
Apr 22, 2019

Todd sits down with Dr.Gerry Bohemier, Leona Rew, and Gloria Dignazio to discuss their experiences with vaccines damaged children, vaccine injuries and the legal issues people face when pointing the finger at vaccines for hurting their child or loved one. The lobbying by big pharma to push vaccines, make them mandatory and regulate and squeeze out natural cures and remedies is also discussed.


VIDEO — ‘Angela Merkel You Have Killed Germany!’ – 16 Year Old Girl’s Migrant Fears Video That Some Claim Facebook Are ‘Censoring’

bibi-640x480.pngvia Brietbart
by Raheem Kassam and Chris Tomlinson
Jan 22, 2016

“Please help us!… It is… very hard to live day-to-day as a woman” says 16 year old Bibi Wilhailm, a German girl who has uploaded her personal experiences of Arab and Muslim migrants in a new video that some claim is being censored by Facebook under it’s new “hate speech” guidelines.

The 20 minute video, apparently created by the 16 year old Facebook user Miss Wilhailm, starts with her saying that she is, “so scared everywhere, for example if my family and I go out together, or if I see a movie with my friends. Usually I stay out until 6pm in winter, and it is so scary. It is just very hard to live day-to-day as a woman.”

The girl – who some social media users report has now been banned from Facebook, though others say she has removed herself – then goes on to talk about an incident that happened to her at a local supermarket saying, “I ran all the way home. I was frightened for my life. There’s no other way to describe it.”

She talks about her experiences over summer, when a group of Muslims said that her and her friends were “sluts” for walking outside in t-shirts.

“Yes, we were wearing t-shirts. It’s summer!” She adds: “Another day, I was wearing this. My friend and I purchased it while shopping. If we feel like wearing it, we will wear it! And you Muslims have no right to physically assault or rape us for it! God willing, never in my life. You have no right to attack us because we are wearing t-shirts. You also have no right to rape”.

[…CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE and WATCH THE INCLUDED VIDEO or this subtitled version of the video]


German Govt. Promotes Interracial Sex

via The New Observer
Mar 6, 2016

The German government has set up an explicitly-illustrated website dedicated exclusively to promoting interracial sex between the nonwhite “refugees” and Europeans.

The new website, called “Zanzu—My body in words and images”—was set up by the Ministry of Health’s Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (“Federal Center for Health Education,” BZgA) in cooperation with a Belgian-government funded “Expertise Center for Sexual Health” called Sensoa.

In its introductory video, the website specifically says that its purpose is to give “advice on sex and sexuality for migrants who have not been living long in Germany.”

Divided into six main “themes,” the website uses sexually explicit drawings designed to portray interracial sex as often as possible.



[h/t: RIC]

Rape Epidemic In Europe: Why Won’t European Politicians Do Anything To Stop It?

via End Of The American Dream
by Michael Snyder
Jan 11, 2016

An epidemic of rape is sweeping all across Europe, and yet European politicians seem almost completely unwilling to stand up and do something about it. In some major European cities, women are absolutely petrified to go out by themselves – especially at night. Things have gotten so bad that some people are now making up entirely new words to describe what is going on. Steve Quayle has labeled this crisis “rapeageddon“, and I think that fits. Things are particularly bad in Germany, which has welcomed more refugees than any other European country in recent years. If you can believe it, Germany opened the doors for 1.1 million “asylum seekers” last year. That is an astounding number, and it is starting to have dramatic consequences for German society.

Just consider what happened in the city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve. According to police, there were nearly 400 reports of groping, sexual assault, theft and rape. The following comes from a column written by Cal Thomas

In the city of Cologne, what is being described as an “Arab sex mob” of as many as 1,000 men surrounded groups of women on New Year’s Eve. The men, who were identified as being of Arab or North African appearance, fondled and sexually harassed the women. One city councilor, Judith Wolter, said Cologne’s town center has recently become a “no-go” area for women because of a rise in crime in the area. The city accepted more than 10,000 predominantly Muslim refugees last year. More than 30 women lodged complaints of similar New Year’s assaults in Hamburg and Stuttgart.

The German media have been accused of covering-up this and other incidents and Chancellor Angela Merkel has been revealed as the ultimate wishful thinker for refusing to do anything until recently to stem the flow of migrants from Islamic countries.

Actually things were even worse than Thomas reported in his article. According to the authorities, there were 133 crimes against women in the city of Hamburg on New Year’s Eve…

Police in the northern German city of Hamburg said Sunday they have recorded 133 cases of offences including sexual assaults allegedly committed against women during New Year’s celebrations.

Investigators have not identified any suspects for the assaults that allegedly took place at the port city’s party avenue Reeperbahn.

But victims have described the perpetrators as having “African, Arab, or south European appearance”, a police spokesman told AFP.

Needless to say, a lot of Germans are completely and totally fed up at this point. Many Germans are now referring to these immigrants as “rapeugees”, and some Germans are even calling for Angela Merkel to resign.



Ursula Haverbeck to serve 10 months in jail for sedition

by Carolyn Yeager
via CarolynYeager.net
Thu, 2015-11-12 12:38

Ursula Haverbeck attending court in Hamburg on November 12, 2015 to defend herself for saying what she believes is the truth.

Ursula Haverbeck attending court in Hamburg on November 12, 2015 to defend herself for saying what she believes is the truth.

Deutschland is a land of insanity.

A peaceful, non-violent 87-year old woman who is beautiful inside and out is found guilty of an unconstitutional “law” that prohibits free expression of belief on one historical subject. This unconstitutional “law” originates from the loss of the world war in 1945 and the intention of the winning side to impose their own war narrative onto history and also take complete control of the nation that had fought to the end for a more just world order.

Ursula Haverbeck (87) is sentenced to 10 months in jail for “sedition.” She is accused of an interview that she gave to the NDR magazine Panorama in April 2015 saying Auschwitz was not an extermination but a labor camp, and no mass murder of Jews had taken place there.


The Stock Markets Of The 10 Largest Global Economies Are All Crashing

Globe-Interconnectedness-460x325via The Economic Collapse Blog
by Michael Synder

Sep 24, 2015

You would think that the simultaneous crashing of all of the largest stock markets around the world would be very big news.  But so far the mainstream media in the United States is treating it like it isn’t really a big deal.  Over the last sixty days, we have witnessed the most significant global stock market decline since the fall of 2008, and yet most people still seem to think that this is just a temporary “bump in the road” and that the bull market will soon resume.  Hopefully they are right.  When the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 777 points on September 29th, 2008 everyone freaked out and rightly so.  But a stock market crash doesn’t have to be limited to a single day.  Since the peak of the market earlier this year, the Dow is down almost three times as much as that 777 point crash back in 2008.  Over the last sixty days, we have seen the 8th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history on a point basis and the 10th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history on a point basis.  You would think that this would be enough to wake people up, but most Americans still don’t seem very alarmed.  And of course what has happened to U.S. stocks so far is quite mild compared to what has been going on in the rest of the world.

Right now, stock market wealth is being wiped out all over the planet, and none of the largest global economies have been exempt from this.  The following is a summary of what we have seen in recent days…

#1 The United States – The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down more than 2000 points since the peak of the market.  Last month we saw stocks decline by more than 500 points on consecutive trading days for the first time ever, and there has not been this much turmoil in U.S. markets since the fall of 2008.

#2 China – The Shanghai Composite Index has plummeted nearly 40 percent since hitting a peak earlier this year.  The Chinese economy is steadily slowing down, and we just learned that China’s manufacturing index has hit a 78 month low.

#3 Japan – The Nikkei has experienced extremely violent moves recently, and it is now down more than 3000 points from the peak that was hit earlier in 2015.  The Japanese economy and the Japanese financial system are both basket cases at this point, and it isn’t going to take much to push Japan into a full-blown financial collapse.

#4 Germany – Almost one-fourth of the value of German stocks has already been wiped out, and this crash threatens to get much worse.  The Volkswagen emissions scandal is making headlines all over the globe, and don’t forget to watch for massive trouble at Germany’s biggest bank.

#5 The United Kingdom – British stocks are down about 16 percent from the peak of the market, and the UK economy is definitely on shaky ground.

#6 France – French stocks have declined nearly 18 percent, and it has become exceedingly apparent that France is on the exact same path that Greece has already gone down.

#7 Brazil – Brazil is the epicenter of the South American financial crisis of 2015.  Stocks in Brazil have plunged more than 12,000 points since the peak, and the nation has already officially entered a new recession.


Robbie Martin Stands By Zionist-Shielding Disinfo


via Non-Aligned Media
by Brandon Martinez
Aug 17, 2015

After viewing my exposé of his erroneous assertion that the neocons are not really Zionists, the alternative media gatekeeper Robbie Martin has hardened his stance, calling my rebuttal ‘reverse Hasbara’ without addressing a single point raised.

Likely at the behest of his sister Abby, he also took a shot at “Holocaust deniers.”

He initially challenged me to a debate on the neocon subject, which I accepted, but he then quickly backed out.

Like most left-wing gatekeepers, Martin’s impetus appears to be to try to set up narrow parameters for what constitutes “legitimate criticism of Israel”, and then once these barriers have been established, dismissing anything that goes beyond his watered down analysis as off-limits, heretical and “discrediting”.

Their hypocritical use of the pejorative “Holocaust denial” is a testament to the dishonesty of the Martin siblings. While they label anyone who asks legitimate questions about the victors’ interpretation of the Second World War and the Holocaust narrative “deniers,” they concurrently decry the mainstream media’s use of the term “conspiracy theorist” to discredit dissenters and skeptics of government narratives.