Putin, Oligarchy and Alt-Media Delusion

via Non Aligned Media
by Brandon Martinez
Apr 1, 2016

One of the big pro-Putin myths floating around the alt-media blogosphere is that because the ex-KGB chief jailed and/or exiled a number of corrupt oligarchs during his rise to power, then that must mean Putin is against oligarchy itself. Wrong. Merriam-Webster’s definition of oligarchy is:

oligarchy: a country, business, etc., that is controlled by a small group of people

the people that control a country, business, etc.

government or control by a small group of people

Russia under Putin’s reign fits precisely that description: the entire country is run like a giant corporation rigidly controlled by Putin and his hand-selected cabinet of sycophantic yes-men. In 2008, Putin modified Russian law to allow a six year presidential term instead of four, keeping himself on as prime minister while his hand picked puppet Dmitry Medvedev assumed the presidency. Having been “re-elected” as president again in 2012, Putin is projected to remain in control until 2024: that would be 24 consecutive years of Putin domination in Russia.

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