MUST READ — Stop The Religion Of The Fed

by Clint Richardson
Oct 27, 2014

I remember many years ago when I sent an email to James Corbett at the Corbett Report in Japan asking him for advice on how… well, how to become more like himself! I had respect and still do for Mr. Corbett’s apparently open-mindedness and willingness to report independently the news around the world despite what the popular opinion might be. His emailed response was in hind sight a perfectly reasonable and genuine one, short and to the point, which was to advise me to simply keep on doing what I was currently doing.

And I did…

Today, in appreciation of that advice, I wish to respectfully and publicly criticize Mr. Corbett’s grammar, logic, and rhetoric when it comes to the Federal Reserve System. Logic of course is simply another word for dialectic, and apparently the common but fallacious dialectic that the Fed is a completely private banking system separate from government is prominent in James’s grammar. This is of course understandable to an extent, considering that this appeal to popular opinion permeates the alternative consciousness while amazingly not a shred of evidence supports it. And without doing the proper due diligence, pain, and suffering of countless hours of research and contemplation, it would be much easier to just go with the flow and call the Fed the enemy, while submitting to the notion that the poor little legislature has no power whatsoever over the actions of the Fed…

I can certainly attest to this notion of the power of popular belief, for when I began showing on my blog and speaking out about the primary sources that state that the Fed was certainly in no way separated from the government or completely “private” in the way that was being portrayed, I was personally attacked for my efforts. Not with fact, but with fallacious rhetoric.

But, as James suggested, I should simply keep doing what I was doing. And so I tarried through the ad hominem attacks and kept on researching and writing.

I then came out against the false Libertarian hero of the alternative media and movement, Dr. Ron Paul, showing again through only primary sources that this false prophet was not to be trusted. I went through Paul’s “End The Fed Bill” as well as his so-called “Audit The Fed Bill” and showed them to be complete frauds and completely against the rhetoric of the End the Fed crowd in that, quite logically, (1) If government (congress) can vote to end the Fed, then logically the Fed necessarily must be a part of the government, which of course created it in the first place. And (2) the audit the fed bill does nothing to actually create a new audit of the Fed or to reveal anything that can’t already be found in the CAFR audit. For the bill only modifies one of the current audits – the audits that supposedly don’t exist in the first place. This was getting ridiculous!

And so I attempted to present these facts by asking why everyone is fallaciously yelling “Audit The Fed” when it is already audited, even while that this fact is clearly stated within Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill and showing that all these audits are accessible on the Fed’s own website. More attacks!

Next, I attempted to ask Ron Paul why he never talked about the actual auditing system of government, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) system, for which the Federal Reserve was required to fulfill its obligation to. I blogged that Ron Paul “fans” need to tell Mr. Paul to not only talk openly about the CAFR (complete audit) of the Fed but to post it on his website so that his “fans” can see that the Fed is already audited and has been since its inception.

And my demands fell on deaf ears…

Instead, I received more fallacious ad hominem attacks, still insisting that the Fed is not audited, that it is completely independent with no strings attached, and that Ron Paul was somehow the savior Christ incarnate.

I quickly figured out that I wasn’t simply up against sheer ignorance, I was up against an institution of purposefully prescribed ignorance, complete with T-shirts, bumper stickers, talking points, sales and marketing tools, and of course Ron Paul’s book sales and propaganda team. For it was much easier to blame the Fed than to admit to ourselves that we have allowed our government to become a monopoly – government as banker extraordinaire – and that men like Ron Paul are a part of that syndicate. The truther/patriot mentality would not allow proper grammar into the fold, and therefore the illogical dialectic had evolved into a sheer propaganda nightmare of epic proportions.

Yet all this time the real audit of the Fed laid in wait for its chance in the sun… and still does.

And that seems to be where it lays today, as easily accessible as ever and just a click away from realization – 500 pages of shear fact that dispels every single patriot myth alive today. But those who deal in disinformation have built an empire upon keeping the facts hidden in lieu of fallacy, and so the T-shirt and book sales keep on truckin’ while the entire world economy suffers due to a government agency that pretends to be non-governmental with the blessings of government.


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  1. Pingback: Eustace Mullins: Occultist and Disinfo Agent of the Far-Right | PN

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