Crystals Floating Amongst Us

Morgellons Research Group
March 19, 2012

When one thinks of crystals one thinks of gems. There are many colors.  MORGELLON  CRYSTALS  are taking on some

iridescent, fluorescent illuminating and course characteristics, much like gems, metals, or stones. 

This crystal was found on a Morgellons patient.
MRGKH031812 Phoenix 125x
Specimen labeled: Miscellaneous facial specimens.
According to MRG Researcher, Larry Meyers,

This is a significant specimen! We are finding a variety of these hexagonal crystals exeuding from the skin of Morgellons Syndrome sufferers. Another independent researcher is concurently finding them as well. They have not been identified to date. Under much greater magnification they appear to be an assembled sandwich-like structure.We  would very much like to get these specimens into a lab for analysis but lack funding. We recommend you show this photomicrograph to your physician

Below are more images of crystals, chips and filaments ingrained in chips.

From Morgellons patient                        From A counter Top


Other Crystals


Gold Crystal                     

Another Recent View from an MRG Researcher.

From a Morgellons patient.  Note the strands showing light or energy contact

What could form such crystals, chips or tags?   Comparing many nano products and self assembling products that can adhere to the human body, by way of lungs, food or skin, we can see some similarities.  Could these be  tags, sensors,  biochips or  templates to build other self assembling materials?   Morgellons patients know that something is not right with these chips being found in lesions, in their environments, on their pets, in their food and even in public places.  Surely, there must be an answer to this. Please come forward with information that can determine the construction of these crystals and what is their function?

Is this what our crystals and chips are made of?  Have we ever heard of thiophene?

Please look at this article.  Are these devices being made and dispersed among the population?

Giant Organic single-crystals of a thiophene/phenylene co-oligomer toward device applications



• We prepare giant organic thin single-crystals of 2,5-bis(4-biphenylyl)thiophene (BP1T). The largest crystal is 7.6 × 4.4 mm in size. • We fabricate three field-effect transistor (FET) devices on a sole crystal at a time. These devices exhibit the normal device operation. • The crystals show spectrally narrowed emission lines at higher excitation energies. • The narrowed emission lines are accompanied by many fringes of concentric circles of various sizes. • These observations strongly indicate that the emission is a coherent radiation.


  • Giantorganicsingle-crystal;
  • Crystal growth;
  • Thiophene/phenylene co-oligomer;
  • Organic FET;
  • Spectrally narrowed emission;
  • Device application



MRG Research Group


Source – http://morgellonsresearchgroup.com/crystals-floating-among-us/

Other Crystals

6 responses

  1. talesfromthelou

    Now I am scared…


    March 28, 2012 at 11:44 AM

  2. Who needs RFID when this technology exists?
    I agree with everything you wrote, as a matter of fact I too have been telling people that they needn’t worry about being “chipped” through vaccines or obamacare..they already are.
    The hair is what fascinates me.. Are they planning on using the hairs in unison like an antenna array? I am finding what appears to be electronics inside the spherical bulb of my infected hairs. ‘lights, metallic looking things, etc..


    August 21, 2012 at 10:35 AM

  3. OK.. let me try to post my comments AGAIN (3rd time)…
    YES this technology assembles inside the human body and receives as well as sends signals. The hairs appear to be utilized like an antenna array. I have dozens upon dozens of microscopic images of my hair showing red, white and blue (ironic huh?) lights in the elongated bulb at the very base of each hair. I have also picked up signals with a meter…


    August 21, 2012 at 10:40 AM

    • We should push the security forces. She has to start an investigation. An offender must be found. The place where it was created, and we have to ask very, but very, bold damages. For my case, I would not be satisfied with the amount under $ 100,000,000. And so it would be little! This is a millennial crime.

      Liked by 1 person

      June 3, 2017 at 5:52 AM

  4. I also eliminated this subject from the skin. I could not believe my own eyes. But the mystery goes much deeper than anybody imagines. My wounds on my body, my saliva, my body fluids tend to be grouped into a hexagonal shape. It’s really crazy but it’s really happening. When I spit on the ground or into the water, or when it is poured on the ground. Everything tends to be arranged in the shape of a hexagon. And now it’s more inexperienced. My skin wounds are hexagonal in shape. I have a photo of a woman’s skin that looks like she was a snake. But I’m not afraid, God is on my side and he’s paying attention to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    June 3, 2017 at 5:49 AM

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