Posts tagged “Alfred C. Kinsey

VIDEO — The Control of Society Through Sex

via Jeanice Barcelo
Aug 30, 2016

8-29-16 – Jeanice Barcelo interviewed on World Beyond Belief. The video exposes the deliberate manipulation of human sexuality and the machinations that were employed to change the sexual attitudes and sexual behavior of the American people. From Alfred Kinsey’s “research”, to the introduction and saturation of our society with pornography, now being introduced into kindergarten classrooms through “sex ed,” the American people have been led around like puppets, complying with their Luciferian masters in their focus on orgasm rather than authentic and enduring human love. The consequences of what we are doing are enormous.

For more information on this topic, please check out my 2.5 hour DVD series entitled “Human Sexuality, Pornography, and the Attack on Human Love” which you can find here: birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2016/05/human-sexuality-pornography-and-attack.html

Please also check out my website: http://BirthofaNewEarth.com

And the youtube channel of Mindy Urken and Paul Marco: http://www.youtube/pineconeutopia

VIDEO — Pornography and the Deliberate Manipulation of Human Sexuality

by Jeanice Barcelo
Aug 16, 2016

Jeanice Barcelo live at Free Your Mind 4, April 2016. This talk outlines the deliberate and methodical manipulation of human sexuality during the 20th century. Beginning with the Rockefeller-funded “research” of Professor Alfred Kinsey, a well known sadomasochist and pedophile, and continuing on with the introduction of pornography which now saturates our world and has been moved into kindergarten classrooms, our children, our relationships, and even our ability to love is under direct assault. In less than one hundred years, the Luciferian forces have succeeded in manipulating us to such an extent, that our sexual behavior and attitudes have been radically altered, as well as our ability to create happy families and enduring human love. It is imperative for us to understand the mechanisms by which we and our children are being targeted so that we can put a stop to this madness and throw a kink in the control system that seeks to destroy our lives.

This talk is a condensed version of a much longer presentation which goes deep into the mechanisms by which we have been manipulated — and offers solutions regarding how we can free ourselves from this control. If you would like to know more, please visit this link:


Please also share this video widely so that others will have access to this information.

To learn more about Jeanice and her work, please visit: http://BirthofaNewEarth.com and http://BirthofaNewEarth.blogspot.com

[related: Jeanice Barcelo interview via The Cosmic Switchboard]

DOCUMENTARY — The Kinsey Syndrome

via Rachel Lubbe
Jan 10, 2012

[hat tip: Conspiracy School]

Master of Porn: Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance (Part I)

Veterans Today
July 30, 2013

“The only unnatural act is that which you cannot perform.”—Alfred Kinsey

…by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon

kinseyAlfred Kinsey

It comes as a big shock to learn that two of the fathers of the Sexual Revolution were both sexual perverts with an evangelical mission in life: to infect society with their wacky ideas and turn the world into a vast masturbatorium.

I refer to the 2oth century’s premier sex researcher Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) and his notorious contemporary, cult psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich(1897-1957).

Steeped in the dangerous claptrap of the fraudulent Freud—see here and here—both Kinsey and Reich enthusiastically embraced the laissez-faire Freudian philosophy: “I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life”. Like their Viennese mentor, they would have been only too pleased to add, “If only Americans knew—we are bringing them the plague!

According to Freud and his followers, anti-Semitism was a universal pathology which had its roots in sexual repression. Its cure lay in “sexual liberation”. The theory, in its crudest and simplest form, amounted to this: instead of picking on the Jews, why not just chill out and have sex?

The underlying assumption here is that sex is the great liberator and that all political and economic frustrations can be alleviated by sexual activity—particularly by obsessive and addictive sex. People who spend all their waking hours in search of sexual stimulation are obviously unfit to organize pogroms, mount bloody revolutions, or become a threat to the rich and powerful.

This, in a nutshell, was the philosophy of Wilhelm Reich, high priest of the “masturbation industry”, to borrow a phrase from E. Michael Jones’s magisterial work Libido Dominandi, where Kinsey and Reich are both discussed in great detail.

Sex, according to the philosophers of the Sexual Revolution inspired by Reich, is to be the panacea for all society’s problems: the new opium of the people. If people cannot have bread, let them eat cake. If they cannot have jobs, security, fulfillment, and a valid purpose in life, let them have sex as a substitute. If nothing else, recreational sex will provide a useful distraction and give people something to do.

The Case Against Wilhelm Reich

Psychologist Wilhelm Reich

1952 — Wilhelm Reich, (1897-1957) psychoanalyst, formulated Orgone Energy Theory. Photograph 1952. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Wilhelm Reich

A compulsive masturbator himself, Reich believed that masturbation was a useful tool in producing “well-balanced” individuals without religious hang-ups or anti-Semitic attitudes. His major finding (here and here) was that masturbation and the religious life were incompatible, which is why he advocated masturbation as the most effective means of eradicating the religious instinct—which he regarded as the ultimate evil.

“What Reich discovered was a fundamental truth of sexual politics, one discovered by the Catholic Church long ago,” Dr E. Michael Jones comments. “Either masturbation destroys your prayer life, or prayer destroys your ability to enjoy masturbation. The two forms of activity are psychically mutually exclusive.” (See here, p. 259)

Like many other psychoanalysts, Reich is known to have masturbated his female patients in therapeutic sessions. “The pleasure of living and the pleasure of orgasm are identical,” he pontificated, thereby equating infinite happiness with the provision of an infinite number of orgasms.

Reich was, by his own account, not only a compulsive masturbator from early childhood but a self-confessed pervert with wide-ranging sexual interests. Beginning sexual activity at the early age of four with a maidservant whose pubic hair he was allowed to play with, he went on to seduce the family cook at eleven-and-a-half.

[archived version of the full article without the pictures missing]

[archived version of PART 2]

[hat tip: Jan Irvin]

[Potent News editor’s note: I must say that despite Wilhelm Reich’s sexual-insanity, he was still singled out in the end by the same establishment that propped him up when he happened to be doing things they could benefit from. He helped demoralize America and was a little too sexed up. The powers-that-be loved that but at the same time he did a lot of important work on orgone energy. His books were consequently burned, he was put in jail and he died there. Check the orgonite section of Potent News for more on orgone energy.]