Posts tagged “DARPA

DOCUMENTARY — [DARPA] Most Advanced Weapons

Dec 2, 2015

[hat tip: David Livingstone]

VIDEO — The Morgellons and Artificial Intelligence Connection : Kandy Griffin @ Phoenix Rising

via Pheonix Rising
June 13th 2015

Kandy Griffin Vandawalker delivers an eye opening deep dive into the world of Nano technology and how it is being used to interface with the human organism to manipulate, control and attempt to transform our natural/organic nature.

Bilderberg 2015: Implementation of the A.I. Grid

Regina’s All-Seeing Eye.

via Activist Post
June 8, 2015

By Jay Dyer

The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new idea.  In Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, reference is made to the plan of the Third Reich to create global trading blocs, which itself is an older British Royal Society plan.  Daniel Estulin, in his The Bilderberg Group and Shadow Masters provides detailed investigations into both Bilderberg and its many-headed Hydra organization, exemplified in Captain America 2: Winter Soldier.  Founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, as well as numerous other Atlanticist elites like David Rockefeller, Paul Van Zeeland and numerous other media barons, corporate heads, bankers, and countless other people better than us.

Bilderberg, operating under the guise of “free market capitalism,” represents instead the complete culmination of banking corporate world control.  Presented as yet another debate forum, the secretive meetings instead have been revealed in numerous cases to have driven global policy.  The most shining example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting’s plans for the creation of the “European Common Market” and “European Union (Unity) shown below.  It is important to recall that the European Common Market came into play some three years later in 1958, while the European Union itself was supposedly founded in 1993.  With this in mind, we can see how the TTIP is simply a further extension of the same strategy of economic integration, from the EU to NAFTA.


MUST WATCH — EUCACH Melanie Vritschan: NSA is remotely assassinating me as it did Dr. Rauni Kilde

Alfred Lambremont Webre
Mar 6, 2015

EUCACH Melanie Vritschan: NSA is remotely assassinating me as it did Dr. Rauni Kilde

VIDEO — The Brain of Skynet Neuromorphic Computing

Experimental Vaccines

at 7:07 pm

Insect Micro Drones Used to Spread Disease?
Brain Power IBM Research Cognitive Computing
Is your smartphone watching you?
MIT Technology Review A Brain-Inspired Chip Takes to the Sky
DARPA Hacking Humans the 47th Chromosome
EV Robots and Drones Dozens of Videos

CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED: Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented

Shawn Helton
Dec 31, 2014

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control…

There has been much speculation in the last few years as to the authenticity of the claims of “chemtrail” spraying of the ionosphere by secretive groups for unknown reasons, with such claims generally receiving the scorn of tinfoil hat insanity. Distinguished from “contrails”, the normal water and ice crystal formations that result from aircraft exhaust vapor, “chemtrails” is the popular name for aerosol spraying by planes in different layers of the atmosphere under the cover of numerous global geoengineering programs.

Is this possible? Could there be widespread global aerosol spraying programs? Not only this possible, it’s already being done, and has been going on for decades. With origins in World War II cloud-seeding, the development of weather modification and mass geoengineering programs is no longer even covert, with numerous papers, programs and examples now made public.

With this in mind, it is somewhat shocking the number of trolls and deniers that exist, telling us daily these are fictions of paranoid conspiracists, while any of the above notions can be easily verified with Google and a few minutes of research. Of course, this is not likely to happen, as the public has never heard of the Royal Society, much less “geoengineering,” since Kim Kardashian’s butt is a much more accurate weathervane of the tides of public interest (a very big weathervane).

“Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty”

In this article, I will document several papers from officialdom, including scientific journals and white papers that demonstrate the programs are real. Not only will we see they are real, we will in fact see these programs integrate with one another and provide the establishment the potential for tremendously disastrous social engineering effects, as well as environmental dangers that result from such dark pragmatic scientistic ends.

Our first document under survey is the Royal Society report “Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty,” a 2009 paper that details the various potentialities for numerous approaches to curbing CO2 emissions, naturally tied in with population reduction and a return to neo-feudalistic model of global ecomonic realignment.

Given that the United Nations was established by Royal Society backing, the “Agenda 21″ implementation we have heard much about in the last few decades is part of a much larger strategy foisted upon the global community by these very shadow players. I have detailed previously the connection between mass depopulation, economic overhauls and realignment and the so-called dangers of resource-based economies being directed into a staged crisis by the corporate elite.


Darpa Turns Oculus Into a Weapon for Cyberwar — video included

Canadian Awareness Network
Oct 29, 2014

A Darpa contractor showing off the Oculus Rift cyberwar simulation at the Pentagon’s Darpa Demo Day. Photo: Andy Greenberg/WIRED


For the last two years, Darpa has been working to make waging cyberwar as easy as playing a video game. Now, like so many other games, it’s about to get a lot more in-your-face.

At the Pentagon Wednesday, the armed forces’ far-out research branch known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency showed off its latest demos for Plan X, a long-gestating software platform designed to unify digital attack and defense tools into a single, easy-to-use interface for American military hackers. And for the last few months, that program has had a new toy: The agency is experimenting with using the Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset to give cyberwarriors a new way to visualize three-dimensional network simulations–in some cases with the goal of better targeting them for attack.

“You’re not in a two-dimensional view, so you can look around the data. You look to your left, look to your right, and see different subnets of information,” Darpa’s Plan X program manager Frank Pound told WIRED in an interview. “With the Oculus you have that immersive environment. It’s like you’re swimming in the internet.”

In its demo setup, complete with two motion-sensing Razer Hydra controllers for navigation, the user does more than swim. As captured in the video below showing an Oculus user’s view, Darpa’s proof-of-concept begins with a collection of “missions” to choose from, each of which is represented by a spherical network of computers. Select one, and you’re presented with a planned series of actions to carry out–like scanning a certain network or probing target endpoints for vulnerabilities–and a collection of tools to use, represented by different abstract icons. Then you’re thrown into the network to carry out the mission, while the enemy launches attacks like distributed-denial-of-service bombardments back at the user.


If all of that seems more than a little contrived, Pound admits that the Oculus demo is only a “notional” proof-of-concept, created by the San Francisco design firm Frog Design and the Austin-based simulation software company Intific. But Darpa is serious about integrating the virtual-reality headset into its plans; It’s already shown the Oculus to Congress and to the Pentagon’s Joint Chief of Staffs in private demonstrations, and will be experimenting further with the second developer version of the device set to be released later this summer.


Transcendence and DARPA’s Restoring Active Memory

by Tony Cartalucci

July 15, 2014 (LocalOrg) – In the movie “Transcendence,” the lead character, an artificial intelligence researcher, is uploaded to a super-computer before his body dies. His consciousness survives and his mind, unencumbered by the weakness of his physical body, begins expanding exponentially. While science fiction, the movie’s premise is not entirely impossible. While the human brain is highly complex, accessing it, decoding it, and interfacing with it has long-ago already begun.

The US Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, has announced its “Restoring Active Memory (RAM)” project – which intends to develop a prosthetic for the brain to record and store memories for those with degenerative neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or victims of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Science Daily in its article, “DARPA taps Lawrence Livermore to develop world’s first neural device to restore memory,” reported:

The research builds on the understanding that memory is a process in which neurons in certain regions of the brain encode information, store it and retrieve it. Certain types of illnesses and injuries, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy, disrupt this process and cause memory loss. TBI, in particular, has affected 270,000 military service members since 2000.

The goal of LLNL’s work — driven by LLNL’s Neural Technology group and undertaken in collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Medtronic — is to develop a device that uses real-time recording and closed-loop stimulation of neural tissues to bridge gaps in the injured brain and restore individuals’ ability to form new memories and access previously formed ones.

The research is funded by DARPA’s Restoring Active Memory (RAM) program.

In essence, RAM would also allow humans to expand their brains into non-organic systems. While the project states it intends to restore memory function to those with deficiencies, the same prosthetic could also be used to expand the memory capacity of people with normal brain functions. While the device currently is intended to be an implant, future reiterations may include external devices either linked physically or perhaps even wirelessly. The implications may lead to devices and systems that allow our “minds” to expand beyond the physical confines of our biological brains, opening the doors to both great opportunities and equally frightful threats.

Threats and Opportunities 

For starters, the digitization of our neurology opens the doors to all the threats and opportunities that befall or benefit existing digital devices, including those connected to the Internet. Collaboration, control, viruses, hacking, surveillance, exponential intellectual progress, personal empowerment, and even human-drones are all in the cards.

And while a climatic and apocalyptic “war with the machines” lingers menacingly in the back of our collective minds, what if devices like that which DARPA is developing led to man merging with machines instead? There would be no war with machines, we would be the machines.

In this context, we face two possible futures: one like that portrayed in science fiction films like Terminator or the Matrix where humans hide amid the ruins of their once proud civilization fighting a desperate resistance against far superior machines that turned on them, or a future like that portrayed in the Japanese anime films and series, Ghost in the Shell. In the latter, the lines are blurred between man and machine and a tenuous balance of power is maintained throughout human civilization, between extremes of both organic and cybernetic natures.

With advances like that announced by DARPA, the latter scenario is the most likely one. A merge between man and machine is the most likely scenario – whomever controls cybernetic technology however, will determine how utopian or dystopian our future will be. Currently, DARPA and other corporate-financier monopolies control this research and technology, while they monopolize other realms of scientific progress including molecular biology, genetic engineering, and information technology. This power in such few hands is surely a recipe for disaster – at least for those without access or say in how the technology is used – or in other words – for the vast majority of us.

A consumerist paradigm that has neurological implants tied to our information technology infrastructure would lead to abuses that would make the NSA’s current overreaching authority look placid in comparison. It could also transform our military’s abilities into the most effective and most horrifying of both human and drone combat.

Instead, this technology must be democratized, ofpened up, and disseminated across society. People to be fully free and in charge of their destiny must not focus on “democracy” and “civil literacy,” but rather on technological literacy, as it is technology that forms the foundation upon which modern society is built and controlled. If we want a say in this modern, technological society, we must understand how it works – currently such an understanding lies in so few hands.

We will not “un-invent” neurological implants that expand the landscapes in which our minds may occupy. We can either choose to boldly embrace and take control of such technology, or cower and complain as others leverage this technology against us to cement an ever expanding disparity between their domination of humanity, and our subservient futility under their dominion.

Robot Olympics Planned For 2020 Powered By Japans’ ‘Robot Revolution’ — video included

by Lucas Cort
Canadian Awareness Network
Aug 3, 2014


Written By:  – Posted: 08/2/14 8:00 AM

Japan likes robots. And while some Americans raised on a confusing sci-fi diet of Star Wars, Terminator, and iRobot are perhaps a little wary of advanced AI and robotics—Japan simply can’t wait for the “robot revolution.”

In a recent tour of Japanese robotics firms, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe declared his intention to create a government task force to study and propose strategies for tripling the size of Japan’s robotics industry to $24 billion.

And one more thing, Abe said, “In 2020, I would like to gather all of the world’s robots and aim to hold an Olympics where they compete in technical skills.”

While mere mortals compete in the 2020 summer Olympics in Tokyo—in a stadium somewhere nearby, the world’s most advanced robots may go head to head in events showcasing their considerable prowess (hopefully by then, right?).

Holding an all-robot competition is by no means a new idea. A number of competitions exist. These range from fun (RoboCup and RoboGames) to serious (the DARPA Robotics Challenge). And recently, a Swiss group announced they’ll host a 2016 Olympics of robotically enhanced humans called Cybathlon.

Incentivized competitions can lead to advancements. The Ansari X PRIZE or DARPA Grand Challenge in autonomous cars, for example, whipped up excitement, real improvements, and the teams competing went on to form more permanent projects.


Now, we have Virgin Galactic and Google’s self-driving cars.

Currently, the highest profile competition in robotics is the DARPA Robotics Challenge. The contest, whose first round took place in December, incentivizes teams to engineer useful, autonomous bots to be used in disaster zones. Tasks include climbing ladders, driving cars, using tools, and navigating uneven terrain.

But the current landscape in robotics is a mixed bag. To the untrained eye, the DRC’s bots may appear slow, clumsy, and at odds with viral videos of robots like Boston Dynamics’ bipedal Petman (in fatigues, Petman looks like Terminator in beta).

Don’t get me wrong, these robots are amazing. But beyond performing simple tasks (for humans) like balancing and walking, robots aren’t very autonomous or skilled outside the lab. And power is a perennial challenge.That said, while we’re still dreaming about owning C-3PO, it isn’t accurate to say that robotics hasn’t already had a significant impact. Industrial robots have been invading manufacturing plants for years, and as they’re becoming more and more intelligent and  aware of their environments, they’re also becoming more ubiquitous.

Foxconn, China’s controversial maker of the iPhone (and many other industrial products), makes no bones about its plans to replace as many human workers as it can in the coming years. The firm recently said 10,000 of their homegrown Foxbots are set to begin work soon, and in the future, 30,000 more will come online annually.

And even absent Abe’s proclamation, Japan is already a mecca for advanced robotics engineering and robot culture.

Big Japanese tech firms like Toshiba, Hitachi, and Toyota all work on robots. Indeed, the robot that dominated the DRC’s first round, SCHAFT, is the creation of a Japanese firm since acquired by Google. And did I mention Japanese plans to build a 60-foot moving Gundam robot (from the classic anime series Mobile Suit Gundam) by 2019?

The robotics revolution is already underway, and it’s only going to accelerate from here.

While a 2020 Tokyo Robolympics (if it happens) might be a great incentive to innovate further, it might also showcase robots already capable of feats that seem only a distant possibility given today’s level of capability. After all, self-driving cars went from failing to finish the DARPA course in 2004 to logging 140,000 miles on public roads by 2010.

Image Credit: Humanrobo/Wikimedia Commons

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